ffective management of resources and resource pools is cloud platform O&M management. Resources can be identified, recorded, maintained, allocated, and optimized. For example, new physical resource
查看详细介绍Nowadays, cloud computing technology is becoming increasingly mature. Major IT manufacturers he launched their cloud computing products one after another, and enterprises he begun to establish priv
查看详细介绍electric Company based on Cournot model 哪家做变电所运维云平台 一、变电所运维云平台简介 按照国家电网公司的统计,10kV及以上供电电压等级的业用户有200万户以上,此类“用户侧变配电所”产权归电力用户所有(企业、住宅小区、学校、等),虽然数量众多,但是日常的运行维护工作比较传统,普遍存在以下痛点: 人工成本高:人工巡视、纸质记录、电话沟通,缺乏智
查看详细介绍n addition to using automated o Manage resource products, resources and resource pools; Maintain the stable operation of the whole platform; Maintenance of physical equipment in the platform; Maint
查看详细介绍n this social environment full of competition, whatever it is in the field of development, only innovation can find a new way of development, adhere to the original model can only be eliminated by
查看详细介绍ur country's economic development has been in progress, the country's various fields of industry are very good, power supply enterprises as a very important development field in today's social back
查看详细介绍如今云计算技术日益成熟,各大 IT 厂商已相继推出了自己的云计算产品,各企业也已着手建立适合自身环境的私有云平台。而随着云平台的纷纷建立,其维护管理工作已成为云计算技术使用者关注。本文将对云平台 ( 全文简称“云平台”) 的运维与传统模式下的系统运维的区别进行阐述,同时对云平台运维管理给出几点建议。 大数据下电力运维系统与云平台 一、变电所运维云平台简介 按照国家电网公司的统计,10kV及
查看详细介绍自动化运维 云平台中设备数量级巨大,想要能够对如此大规模的设备和虚拟机进行运行维护,自动化运维技术显得尤为重要。企业需要建立自动化运维体系,通过自动化运维工具完成大部分运维工作,解放传统系统运维模式下,运维人员手工巡检等重复性操作,从而减少运维人员的数量,节省人工成本。 大数据下变电所电力运维云平台 一、变电所运维云平台简介 按照国家电网公司的统计,10kV及以上供电电压等级的业用户有20
查看详细介绍Nowadays, cloud computing technology is becoming increasingly mature. Major IT manufacturers he launched their cloud computing products one after another, and enterprises he begun to establish priv
查看详细介绍n cloud platform o&M, the basic problem to be solved by automatic O&M should be to reduce repetitive and periodic manual operations, and complete them automatically and quantitatively by o&M tools.